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Tide Power NEWS
Экологичная и эффективная газогенераторная установка Tide Power помогает достичь цели “двойного углерода”

In response to climate change, the consensus is that energy is being transformed into green, low-carbon and sustainable direction. Countries around the world are actively promoting the development of renewable energy sources, and gas-fired power generation technology, which combines environmental protection and energy conservation, opens up new opportunities.

As one of the few authorized OEM-partners MWM во всем мире, газогенераторные установки Tide Power могут обеспечить эффективное использование возобновляемых источников энергии, энергосбережение, снижение выбросов и сокращение выбросов углерода, помогая достичь цели “углеродного пика и углеродной нейтральности”.
Чистота и экологичность – Энергоэффективность
Renewable energy, a clean and low-carbon source of energy, comes from a variety of sources. Converting it into electric power with a gas generator plant can significantly reduce pollutant emissions, reduce the intensity of carbon emissions, help improve the energy mix, protect the environment and achieve sustainable economic and social development.
Tide Power gas-fired generating sets are numerically modeled to optimize fluid losses and are capable of achieving high electrical efficiencies in their power range (44.4% natural gas (NG) / 44.2% biogas (BG)). Significant economic benefits are achieved at low operating costs, and the energy savings and efficiency are among the best in their category.

Три основных момента – Выдающиеся достоинства
Increased availability and long service life
-Uniform intake barrel and improved piston geometry to optimize combustion processes
-High performance with excellent ability to work offline
-Up to 80,000 hours before overhaul Service interval -4000 hours (E40)

Optimized lubricant management system
-Lowest lubricant consumption in its class (<= 0.1 g/kWh)
-Higher lubricant capacity and integrated lubrication control system -Longer oil change intervals and integrated daily oil tank

High compatibility for operation in a wide range of environments
-Can be used for natural gas, all types of biogas
-Easy installation and small footprint -Smooth running, low vibration and easy equipment connection

OEM-настройка – Профессиональные услуги
Tide Power is a professional energy solutions provider and, as a consistent OEM-partner MWMThe company is backed by a well-established supply chain with service in more than 80 countries and regions around the world.

With the advantages of R&D and design, Tide Power offers original power MWMas well as customization options for customers with a high degree of flexibility to meet a variety of needs.

Keywords:MWM; gas generator set;OEM; energy solution; low-carbon